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Medway Community

Primary School

Year 4 are recognised by 'Classics for All' for their achievements in Classics

The Olympus Challenge is run by Classics for All and has been designed to recognise the work of students who are studying classics on an extra-curricular basis or as a non-examined curriculum subject.


In Autumn 2, our year 4 children studied a wide range of subjects within our topic - Ancient Greece - and applied for accreditation with Classics for All. 


On January 24th 2020, we were pleased to present the children with their certificates, endorsed by a number of university and further education partners. 


To complete the challenge, the children had to complete 3 of the following modules (of which we completed 4!):


A: at least one term studying a cultural or historical topic related to classics (Ancient Greeks)

B: at least one term studying classical literature (The Iliad)

C: at least one term studying Latin or Greek

D: a creative response (e.g. film, drama, art, creative writing) to a classical topic (Papier Mache Greek pots and The Iliad Dance Performance)

E: a study visit to a museum, classical site, theatre etc. which culminates in a presentation or debate on a topic related to the classical world (Trip to the British Museum to see Troy: Myth and Reality)


Well done year 4!

We've had 1 7 5 6 1 9 visitors