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Medway Community

Primary School

Continue learning about the Iliad

Listen to the story of the Iliad at home!

Year 4 have finished reading the Iliad! What an achievement! If you are missing the story, you can listen to War with Troy - an interpretation of the Iliad provided by the University of Cambridge. It tells the story of Achilles and the Trojan War in twelve episodes. 

Follow this link for the audio story:


Want to learn more about Greek mythology?

You can! Take a look at the Metamorphoses tales and other Greek myths. They involve some form of transformation and explore many aspects of human nature: greed, curiosity, vanity, generosity, arrogance, creativity. This makes them a very powerful springboard for discussion and creative work. Listen or read and then come and share your knowledge with the class!

Follow this link:

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Please note that after school clubs are up and running this week. Please pick your children up on time.