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Medway Community

Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Laurel and Connaught!



Laurel 4 is taught by Mrs Fletcher. Connaught 4 is taught by Miss Ismail and Mrs Issat.


P.E. is on Mondays; please send children to school in their P.E. kits on this day. Swimming is on Thursdays. Connaught 4 lessons finish on the 10th November. Laurel 4's begin on the 17th of November, and their last session is on the 7th of February.


Times tables and spelling tests take place on Friday. Homework is also given on Fridays, for return the following Friday.


Throughout Year 4, the children will be learning about diversity, equality, collaboration and respect through a broad range of topics, including:

  • Anglo Saxons (Autumn 1)

  • Ancient Greeks and their influence on the world (Autumn 2)

  • Exploration (Spring 1)

  • The Age of Enlightenment (Spring 2)

  • Ancient Baghdad and the Islamic Empire (Summer 1)

  • Ancient Sumer (Summer 2)


We learn about and reflect on our school values throughout all that we do.

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)


In June, our Year 4 children will be taking part in the Multiplication Tables Check. This consists of 25 times table questions. Children will have six seconds to answer each question, and the test will take place using iPads. 


If you wish to, you may access a check that is similar to the one your Year 4 child will undertake by clicking here to visit the MathsFrame website. 

In Year 4 our children hone their critical thinking skills through topic work including the following literature;

Social Stories

Times Table Rockstars


At the end of Year 4, our children will take part in a nationwide times tables test, which will assess their quick recall of the times table and division facts up to 12 x 12. To help them with learning these, children have a Times Table Rockstars account, to which teachers have assigned times tables to learn in the order in which they should be memorised.


To access the Times Table Rockstars login page, click here. Ask your teacher for your login details.

Long Term Plan 
Mid-Term Plans
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2

Poetry by Heart Competition

Extracts of Homer's Iliad translated by A. S. Kline (2009)

Learn more about our topics and books!

The Iliad (English - Autumn 2)

The Iliad is the oldest surviving work of Greek literature, written by Homer in the 8th century BC. It is an epic poem, with 24 chapters, based on the attack on Troy by the Mycenaeans. The poem includes early Greek myths and legends.

The Greek influence on the world (Topic - Autumn 2)

From artistry to politics, ancient Greece left a considerable impression on world history. Learn why Greek and Roman gods share so many similarities, how the alphabet got its name, and how the legacy of ancient Greece has evolved over thousands of years.

The science of static electricity! (Spring 1)

We've all had the experience: you're walking across a soft carpet, you reach for the doorknob and ... ZAP. But what causes this trademark jolt of static electricity? Anuradha Bhagwat sheds light on the phenomenon by examining the nature of matter.

Electric Vocabulary (Spring 1)

We all know the words around electricity, "charge," "positive," "battery", and more. But where do they come from and what do they really mean? Let the history of these words illuminate the physics of electric phenomena.

Romanticism (Spring 1)

Romanticism is a historical movement that still hugely colours how we tend to feel and look at the world: it's responsible for the way we approach love, nature, business and children. This is its history.

Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' - Summary (Spring 1)

Quick and easy Frankenstein synopsis, analysis, and discussion of major characters and themes in the novel.

Passport Points

It was lovely to see so many children had gained the Year 3 badges and were wearing them on their jumpers coming up to Year 4. We are proud to say that even more children have gained their Year 4 Bronze badges and are now working towards Silver. Badges are earnt by following our School Aims and our Keys to Success. Children have been given a copy of our school passports. When they have achieved one of the goals on the passports, please inform your class teacher, either by sending evidence in person or via email.



PE is every Monday afternoon. Children should bring their PE kit in a bag. Earrings and other jewellery should not be worn on that day.

Home learning links and resources



Children will receive homework every Friday. They will have a times table to practise both division and multiplication facts for, in addition to a list of spellings and twenty minutes of reading a night, which should be recorded in their reading log. 

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