We expect that children read, and are read to, at home daily. This should be using a combination of their reading book from school, books that they have at home and books from the library. Children will earn passport points for visiting the library and sharing the books they've loaned with their class.
Visit the page below for guidance on reading at home with your child.
Children need to be able to read and write these sounds. To write, the adult might say 'can you write the 'ay' sound?' As there's more than one way to write this sound (ay, ai, a_e, eigh, ei), the spelling can be specified with an example e.g. 'It's the 'ay' sound like in the word play'.
Children could make a list of as many words as they can think of that follow a spelling pattern. For example, words that have the 'ea' digraph in. Therefore: tea, heat, dream, meat, neatly etc. What pattern can they notice? Where does the ea digraph appear in the word? With this sound, it's usually in the middle of the word.
In year 2, handwriting is very important and is used as one of the key judgements towards a child's end of key stage results. Year 2 expectations are as follows:
Children in year 2 continue to work towards joining their handwriting.
Suggested ways to practise handwriting: