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Medway Community

Primary School


When starting in year 2, each child will be given a homework pack. This needs to be brought into school daily as we will often refer to its contents. We’ll also add additional pages relating to the learning that is taking place within school to support learning at home. Each child also has a ‘take home’ reading book to match their current reading level from the school’s graded reading scheme. Children need to bring these into school on a daily basis. We also recommended the use of Purple Mash (see below for more details). For a child in year 2, we advise 15-20 minutes of homework each evening. 

Cultural Passports

As part of our work at Medway, we're encouraging parental engagement with the homework tasks that we set for our children to complete. In school, each child has their own 'cultural passport' that includes a range of activities purposefully designed to broaden their cultural capital. Through completing these activities, children can achieve three badges: bronze, silver and gold. Please find below the activities to be completed to achieve each of the badges. 


Please click on the links below to find out more information about Medway's cultural passports.

Useful pages on Purple Mash for year 2: 

All year 2 pupils have an individual username for Purple Mash, which enables them to login and access a range of online activities at home. These activities will both support and reinforce their learning within school. Please see below for the activities that we have highlighted as relevant to pupils' learning within year 2.
Useful links for learning:
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