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Medway Community

Primary School

Purple Mash

Safety Online

A message to Year 1 parents/carers:

You should supervise your child's access to online material.  This means you should:

  • check that what they are seeing, hearing and reading is suitable for their age and level of maturity (even if it is a website recommended by school);
  • use parent controls to limit access to websites (you might need to learn how to do this);
  • limit their time online so that they don't become overstimulated or overtired; and
  • discourage screen time just before bedtime.

A message to Year 1 children:

  • You should always tell your parent/carer if you intend going online and tell them which website you are using.
  • You should stick to websites that are suitable for your age so that going online is fun.
  • If you see or hear something that bothers you in any way, tell your parent/carer immediately.
  • Remember, if someone online tricks you or forces you to say or do something that seems wrong, don't keep it secret, tell your parent/carer.


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