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Medway Community

Primary School

DB Primary

Logging on to DB Primary


To log on to DB Primary:


1. Go to the DB Primary webpage.

2. Type in your username carefully.

3. Click the enter button on your keyboard. If it asks you for a password, check that you have typed your username properly and try again.

4. Enter your password.



Logging on using the website link

Using DB Primary




To be safe on DB Primary, follow these simple rules:


1.  If something upsets you, click the whistle and tell the teacher. 

2. Always log off DB Primary when you are finished. 

3. Do not put photos of yourself or other children you know on the Internet.

4. Don't give out personal information online.

5. Don't tell other people your username and password.

6. Don't leave your username or password lying around.


Remember, saying nasty things about people online is just as bad as doing it in person. If you are being bullied online, tell someone!


If something upsets you anywhere on the Internet, even if it isn't on DBPrimary, make sure you tell your teacher or a trusted adult at home all about it.


Click here to learn why being safe online is so important.

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