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Medway Community

Primary School

Admission arrangements

Nursery Admissions August 2020

Dear Parents/ Carers
If you have a child born between 1st September 2016 and 31st of August 2017 and would like a place in our nursery, please register your child with the school by contacting the office by email at or by coming into see us as soon as we re-open.   


Please refer to the Leicester City Admission Web page for further information



Medway Community Primary School admits pupils in accordance with Leicester City Council Children and Young People’s Services Admissions Policy.


Only Leicester City Council Children and Young People’s Services can confirm places to pupils whether the child lives in the priority area for the school or otherwise and this is regardless of whether the child has attended nursery at the school.


Please contact them directly with any enquires.


Places will be allocated up to the Planned Admission Limit, which from September 2020 in the case of Medway Community Primary School is 60 for EYFS, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5. We admit 90 children in Year 4 and 120 in Year 6 with an agreed overfill of one child per class in Years 1 to 4. Exceptions to this may be made on a case-by-case basis.


The admission limits have been increased in agreement with Leicester City Council to offer additional school places in the city.


More information and application forms are available here.


Children are ordinarily admitted to nursery classes in accordance with our school Admissions Policy.

At the end of Year 6 our children move on in their education to a variety of feeder schools across the city. We work closely with Key Stage 3 to unsure our children have the smoothest possible transition into secondary school.

For SEND children please see our SEND co Mrs S Niner regarding transition and for other children please see your child's class teacher of Mrs D Alam for advice and guidance.

Click on the links below to direct you to their school websites.


Visits to the school are welcome by prior appointment. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

We've had 1 7 5 6 3 6 visitors