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Medway Community

Primary School

Year 1

Welcome to Avon 1 and Mere 1

The curriculum theme for Year 1 is 'Relationships'. The theme is explored in a variety of ways across the year, covering relationships between people, our relationships with the natural world, how we try to organised aspects of our world, whilst some of it remains wild and even unknown to us.  The school's values are incorporated into our exploration.

Whilst some curriculum content is taught discretely, wherever possible the Year 1 curriculum is organised into cross-curricular topics to exploit the connections between subjects:

- Think Big

- Into the Woods

- From Rags to Riches

- From the City to the Seaside

We ensure coverage of the National Curriculum, as outlined in our long term plan.  How we do that is detailed in our medium term plans.



Year 1 Key Texts


PE is on Wednesdays.

On Monday, children should bring their PE kit (in a bag with their name clearly labelled on each item), which should include:

- white t-shirt

- black jogging bottoms/leggings/shorts

- trainers (a change of footwear)

Earrings and other jewellery should not be worn. 



NSPCC Assembly

Parents learning Phonics alongside their children!

Educational places of interest in our locality


  • New Walk Museum
  • Abbey Pumping Station:
  • Abbey Park petting corner
  • Botanic Gardens
  • Highfields Library
  • Highfields Community Centre
  • The National Space Centre
  • Curve Theatre
  • King Richard III Visitor Centre
  • Leicester Castle
  • Gorse Hill Farm



Websites to support learning
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