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Primary School

DB Primary

DB Primary- your questions answered


What is DB Primary? 


DB Primary is our virtual learning environment (VLE). Children can use DB Primary to complete homework, access educational games and find information about what they are learning in class.


Can children use DB Primary to talk to each other?


Yes, but they cannot use it to talk to anyone who does not attend Medway. Everything they post or send each other is monitored and if children see something that upsets them, they can use the whistle function to report it to the teacher, who will investigate the matter thoroughly.


My child does not have access to a computer or the Internet at home- how will they access DB Primary?


Most classrooms have computers installed in them so that children can access DB Primary and complete their homework in school. Tell the class teacher about the situation and they will make sure that children have chance to complete homework at school. However, DB Primary can also be accessed on most smartphones and tablet computers. You can also visit the local library with your child- they will have computers that your child can use for free.


How should my child access DB Primary?


Your child will have received a unique username and password from their class teacher. Using this, they should:

1. Click here to visit the DB Primary site for Medway.

2. Type in their username.

3. Click the enter key on their keyboard.

4. Click the pictures in the order on their login card.


If you have any more questions about DB Primary, please ask your child's class teacher- they will be more than happy to help.

DB Primary - Inspiring Online Learning

DB Primary is a learning platform designed specifically for the needs of primary schools. Find out about DB Primary by watching this video from its suppliers.

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