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Medway Community

Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to the Cork and Lonsdale classes!


Throughout Year 3, the children will learn about diversity and respect through our theme 'The Environment'.


We will be learning about the development of communities and the development in houses and homes through our topic work.



Mr Serrano - Cork 3 (

Miss Stone - Lonsdale 3 (

Mrs Shaikh - Teaching Assistant

Miss Jetha - HLTA 

For a full list of parental guidance that must be followed to keep our families, children and staff safe, please refer to the document below:

Our curriculum is adapted every year to ensure a fresh, exciting and inspirational learning experience for our classes. Those with family members who have been in Year 3 previously will notice some familiar topics, such as the Romans, but each lesson is carefully considered with regard to learning outcomes, cultural education, our values curriculum, the children's interest and, of course, enjoyment, before it is included in a scheme of work. This means that no Year 3 cohort will have the same experience as the one before it! We hope the children enjoy every lesson and look forward to each new topic.


Below you will see some of the literature that we will be basing our English and topic lessons around this year:

Curriculum Overview

Cultural Passports

Year 3 will have the opportunity to earn their badges by completing each task.

The School Day- Year 3

Start of the day


For Year 3, children should be lined up and ready to enter their classes by 8:30 a.m.


Lonsdale class will enter the school via the Medway Street gate close to their classroom. Children will form a socially distanced line at 8.30am and a staff member will ensure safe access to their classroom.


Cork class will enter the school via the Skipworth Street gate close to their classroom where children will form a socially distanced line at 8.30am and a staff member will ensure safe access to their classroom.




Children will need to bring a packed lunch for school in a small lunch bag. Hot school meals are provided in the dining hall.


End of the day


The school day for Year 3 ends at 3.05 p.m.


Lonsdale class will leave via the Medway Street gate close to their classroom where parents can meet the children and a staff member will ensure they are safely collected.


Cork class will leave via the Skipworth Street gate close to their classroom where parents can meet the children and a staff member will ensure they are safely collected.

What shall my child bring with them to school?


  • Named water bottle
  • Small lunch box, containing a healthy packed lunch
  • Named book bag or small school bag
  • A healthy snack may be brought in




PE is every Monday morning for Cork 3 and Lonsdale 3. Children should bring their PE kit in a bag. Earrings and other jewellery should not be worn on that day.




Maths, English and Foundation Subjects

Homework will be set every Friday, and we expect to receive completed homework the following Friday.



Year 3 Racing Sail Cars

Year 3 Using Clay

Year 3 21-22

Romans Homework Project 2019-20

We've had 1 7 5 6 1 9 visitors