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Medway Community

Primary School

Parental Engagement

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As part of our parental engagement, we are encouraging you to participate in our endeavour to grow cultural capital. Therefore we have introduced 'Cultural Passports'. This is where you and your children partake in activities outside of school. For more information about the actual passport, please visit our Awards and Rewards tab by clicking on the green wording.  


For more information about your part in engaging with the passport, please click on the translated information below in the YouTube videos/audio. These are in a range of languages to enable everyone to be involved, including Bengali, English, Slovak, Romanian, Somali, French, Italian, Punjabi, Gujerati and Hindi.


You can also find more information about homework and home learning on our school YouTube channel.

Accessing DB Primary and the Cultural Passport - Slovakian Translation

Cultural Passport - English Translation

Parental Engagement - Punjabi Translation

Parental Engagement - Italian Translation

Parental Engagement - Hindi Translation

Parental Engagement - Gujarati Translation

Parental Engagement - Bengali Sylheti Translation

Here are some photographs of our parents sharing some of the suggested activities in our cultural passports.

Our F2 Parents reading and discussing class reading books with their children at home.

F2 parents reading at home with their children.

Our Year 2 children carrying out activities from their cultural passports at home with their parents! #parental engagement

One year 3 child learning about Dinosaurs, playing board games and trying new things at home! #parental engagement

F2-Science experiments and other half-term home learning activities.

Year 2- Hal-f term home learning activities!

Year 1 home learning activities. Some autumnal walks in the park-leaf picking, some Halloween fun, visiting the library and much more!

Year 3 home learning.

Year 5- Remembrance day poppy crocheted by a pupil!

Year 4 completing a sewing project and sharing with the class, a, robot made and programmed at home!

Year 6 visit to a museum.

Year 4. Engaging with our curriculum at home! Parental engagement in action!

Year 4. Doing curriculum work at home. #Parental Engagement

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□I went to birds land instead of zoo, I saw a lot of different birds there are including parrots, emu and magpies etc.

One of our Yr4 children visited the riverside.

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Still image for this video

Yr4- Visit to Bradgate Park

Still image for this video

Yr4- Curriculum work at home!

Year 2- a visit to the Library and leaf gathering!

Our year 4s have been reading the Iliad. One child has made a Trojan Horse at home- enacting the curriculum at home!

Year 4. From the classroom to home! Visiting a statue of Alice Hawkins and writing a fact file and researching the 7 life processes.

Year 4 continuing to engage with our cultural passports. A visit to the local Museum and a Faith story for RE.

Year 2 earning points for their silver cultural award badge.

Year 2 Cultural passport activities January 2021 #parental engagement

We've had 1 7 7 2 9 6 visitors
Please note that after school clubs are up and running this week. Please pick your children up on time.