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Medway Community

Primary School

Debating (Wednesday)

Debate club runs every Friday with Mr Watkins in the conference room from 12:50-1:20.


We have started off learning some of the language of debating, in particular:

  • Proposition
  • Opposition
  • Argument
  • Refutation


Having started to make simple arguments, we are moving onto making more complex arguments using a 'PEEL' structure. As we develop our skills, we will move on to having full debates with four children on each side.


If you want to learn more about debating in schools, including the benefits and skills it teaches, then please click here.

We've had 1 7 6 4 5 2 visitors
We look forward to welcoming our children back on Tuesday 27 August 2024. We hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday.