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Medway Community

Primary School

Parental Code of Conduct

Medway Primary School is a nurturing learning community. We believe pupils learn best in a safe and supportive environment based on respect and trust, underpinned by an effective partnership between parents, staff, and the school community. High standards of behaviour are required of pupils, and staff are expected to act professionally at all times.  The school highly values the positive support of parents and carers.


This ‘Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Visitors’ reminds all parents, carers and visitors to our school about their expected conduct. It sets out both guidance and conduct, which will not be tolerated. This is so we can continue to flourish, progress and achieve in an atmosphere of mutual understanding.


This code complements the school’s ‘Complaints Policy’, designed to handle parental concerns or complaints in a sensitive and mutually supportive manner (see the school website or contact the school office).

Code of Conduct for parents, carers and visitors September 2022 - 2023

We've had 1 7 5 6 3 6 visitors