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Medway Community

Primary School

Governors Page


About School Governance


Governors are volunteers who work closely with the Head teacher and the school’s senior leadership team to ensure that the school provides the best possible education for all children. Governors are generally parents, professionals and members of the community from all walks of life, who bring varied skills and experience to support the leadership of the school.


The Governing Body focuses on three core functions:

  1. To ensure the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. To hold the Head teacher to account for the school’s educational performance, and the performance management of staff.
  3. To oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure its money is well spent.


We make decisions as a corporate group so no single Governor is ever solely responsible, and as a body some of our specific responsibilities include:

  • Setting the strategic vision for the school.

  • Appointing and performance managing the Head teacher.

  • Ensuring the quality of teaching and learning and therefore pupil achievement in the school is meeting or exceeding agreed targets.

  • Ensuring that an appropriate curriculum is taught.

  • Celebrating the school’s successes.

  • Ensuring all the school’s results are published each year.

  • Inputting to and ratifying school policies.

  • Monitoring the school budget to ensure financial security.

  • Helping to decide priorities for the school such as new building work or staffing structures.


We  meet regularly as a governing body, to focus on all key areas such including finance, safeguarding, learning and teaching, standards and leadership. 

We receive the Head teacher’s report termly covering the crucial areas of the school’s work that we are required to monitor against the School Improvement Plan: teaching and learning, curriculum, assessment results, Special Educational Needs (SEN), Pupil Premium activity (how we spend additional funds from Government specifically to support our children in receipt of Free School Meals), how school challenges high achieving pupils, Foundation stage, PE/sport, staffing, budget, premises and more. There’s a lot of ‘business’ to address at each meeting but the children’s safety, happiness and progress is always our priority in all that we do, as it is for everyone at school.


Governors also play an active part in school life  and carry out  monitoring visits in school on an area of focus so you and the children should see us around and about at school!


Who can be a school governor? 

You don't have to have children at the school to be a governor. However, you do have to be over 18, and pass a formal check for your suitability to be within a school.  No specific qualifications are required but there are certain expectations. 
What's really important is that you have the skills, time and commitment to help drive school improvement and the passion and ambition to achieve the best possible education for children and young people. 
We currently have 1 vacancy for our governing body.

Our current Governing Body



NameGovernors Type

Date of appointment


Terms of Office endsResponsibilities

Register of Interests


Relationship to staff

Mr Steven Williams


Headteacher1.9.16n/a None 
Mr Micheal Berriman (Chair of Governors)Authority


Second Term 9.9.21

Third Term


 07.09.25Safeguarding, Special Educational NeedsNoneMarried to Mrs Berriman - Year 3 teacher
Mr Martyn AtkinsonStaff 08.04.202208.04.24

Mental Health and Well Being

Mr Osman KhatriCo opted5.12.1904.12.23Pupil PremiumNoneMarried to Mrs Khatri - Year 1 teaching assistant
Mr Soyful AlamParent7.   
Mrs Pakeeza Miskeen Parent 08.04.2208.04.24Special Educational NeedsNone 

Mrs Wendy Harrison

(Vice Chair of Governors as of 30.9.21)



Some consultancy support given to the school 

Mrs Rehana Miah (Deputy Head)n/a  n/a None 
Mrs Sarah Niner (Deputy Head) n/a n/a None 
Mr Yogesh BulsaraCo opted27.10.2227.10.26 None 
Mr Sanjee de SilvaCo opted27.10.2227.10.26Anti BullyingNone 



Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies


Medway Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools. For further information please view or download the full document below.

Governors Attendance 2023 - 2024



Mr WilliamsYYYYYY     
Mr BerrimanYYYYYY     
Mr KhatriYYNNYY     
Mr AlamYNNNYN     
Mrs HarrisonYYNNNN     
Mrs Miskeen YNNNYY     
Mr AtkinsonYYYYYY     
Mr De SilvaYYNNYN    
Mr BulsaraNNYNNN     


Governors Attendance Academic Year 2022 - 2023



Meetings Attended

Mr Williams


Mr Berriman


Mr Atkinson


Mr Khatri


Mrs Inayatullah


Mrs Harrison


Mr Bulsara

Mr De Silva5/9
Miss Miskeen7/9


We've had 1 7 5 6 1 9 visitors