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Medway Community

Primary School

School Performance and OFSTED

 End of Foundation Stage Results


63% (National 67%) of children attained a Good Level of Development by the end of Foundation Stage.  We are above the national average. 


Year 1 phonics 2023
55% National (78.9%)



 Year 2 phonics 2023

76% National



End of Key Stage 1 Assessment Results


Percentage of children at or above expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths 2023

Reading 60% National 68%

Writing 50%  National 60%

Maths 60%  National 70%

We continue the hard work to close the gap against national. 


Percentage of pupils at greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths 2023

Reading 17% National 18% 

Maths 22% National 15.6%



KS2 SATS 2023-(unvalidated data)


Percentage of children at or above expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths 2023

Reading 65% National 73%

Writing 78%  National 71%

Maths 76%  National 73%

GPS 73% National 72%

RM combined 60% National 59%



Percentage of pupils at greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths 2023

Reading 49% National tbc % 

Writing 10% National tbc%

Maths 37% National tbc%

GPS 37% National tbc%





DfE parents leaflet on Primary Schools Progress Measures

You can look at our children's progress and other information by following these links:


Medway Community Primary School's performance table:


School and college performance table:


For any information you may need from the 

Leicester City Council click on the link below:

Leicester City Council Education and Learning Page


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