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Medway Community

Primary School

F1 - Rainbows

Our Nursery

Welcome to Rainbows!


Rainbow is the nursery class for 3-4 year olds. Children come for half days, either in the morning or the afternoon. 

Group teaching takes place on two carpets – the Bear Carpet and the Fish Carpet. For the remaining time, a range of purposeful play activities are delivered through a balance of adult led and child initiated activities. 


We have a sand tray, a water table, a home corner, a doll’s house, a book corner and a craft table, as well as areas dedicated to writing, maths, technology and playing with malleable substances such as play dough.

Over the year we explore many topics, such as Festivals, the Seasons, Growth, Holidays, Night Time, and People who help us.


Every Friday, the children take home a book to read with their parents over the weekend. Learning support packs are provided, so that parents and children can work together at home. At regular intervals, parents are invited to take part in sessions designed to support their children's learning.










Nursery Session Times

Morning Sessions

8.45 - 11.15

Afternoon Sessions

12.15 - 2.45

All children are entitled to 6 sessions per week.

Rainbow Planning



Rainbow Staff

Ms Cullen -


Miss Patel


We use Read Write Inc to teach Phonics.

For the parent link, please click on this link:

Home learning links

For parents to do at home!


The EasyPeasy app brings together the best ideas, advice, and inspiration from a global community of parents, experts, and your favourite early years brands. Our philosophy is evidence-based and simple. Early child development is fuelled by real-world interactions between you and your child. The EasyPeasy app is designed to help you create the playful, positive connections that will help your child grow and thrive, with everyday materials that you’ll already have access to at home.


Download the EasyPeasy app to your mobile, laptop, desktop or tablet . Just click on this link and follow the instructions

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