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Medway Community

Primary School

Pupil Wellbeing

Physical Abuse Spot the Signs

Do you know your A B C? To keep children safe look out for changes in their Appearance, Behaviour and Communication. If you're concerned they might be at ris...

Emotional Abuse Spot the Signs

If you suspect child abuse, your local council will listen to your concerns and act to support the child and their family, if needed.

Spot the signs of online abuse

Do you know your A B C? To keep children safe look out for changes in their Appearance, Behaviour and Communication..

Neglect Spot the Signs

Could you spot a child showing signs of physical abuse? Flinches and inconsistent explanations of cuts and bruises are some of the signs to look out for.

Sexual Abuse Spot the Signs

If you think a child might be at risk, report it - even if you're not completely sure. Find out more #tackleabusetogether

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