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School Council Blog



After meeting up today, we were glad to find out that some of our concerns have been dealt with around the school, including changes to games at break times! WE have even been asked to take lead with running these games! 

The school council also met up with the Friendly Faces to have a recap on bullying, as this was a concern that we had at our last meeting. Miss Worrall taught us the different types of bullying and how these can be dealt with, to ensure that our Friendly Faces can help even more around the school.

Talk to you soon!



Today, we had a brief School Council catch up to give Miss Worrall feedback on the safety of children around the school. She is going to give our opinions to Mr Williams so that we can see a change happen around the school.

We are having a longer meeting in two weeks time, alongside the Friendly Faces, so that we can find out what changes will occur :) 



Today, we had a meeting alongside the Friendly Faces with lots to discuss! The meeting started by talking about how helpful we find our teacher’s marking in our books. Each person was allowed to share their opinion and we found that everybody looks at the marking teachers write. We all find it very helpful and mostly clear.


Later on, we discussed the survey that Miss Worrall had completed at the end of last half term. We spoke about why children enjoy school and why some enjoy it less. The school council offered ways that we could get Medway pupils to enjoy school more. We also discussed with the Friendly Faces how ‘safe’ children feel at school and what it means to feel ‘safe’. The Friendly Faces told us about the behaviour and happiness on the playground and how this might impact children’s enjoyment of school. We all came up with different ways that we could help children to feel safer at school and happier on the playground as well as the classroom.


Hopefully, by our next meeting, we will see some of our ideas put into place!


Today, we had our first school council meeting of 2024 and it was lovely to meet up with everybody again and find out about their Christmas break. As well as that, we had a visit from Aasiya, who works for SusTrans. We discussed the importance of walking or cycling to school to lower the negative impacts that cars are having on the road. We asked her lots of questions and found out many different ways to stay safe when walking or cycling around the city.

We have now been asked to tell our class the awful impact that cars are having on the climate and to really encourage them to take a cleaner mode of transport to school. 


Our student council also took part in choosing the best posters that we and other children had created across the school about the above. These posters had to include facts and encouraging words in hope of getting children to walk or cycle to school more. The winners of the poster competition will get equipment to wear or to attach to their bike when they walk or cycle!

Thank you Aasiya for visiting Medway, we really enjoyed having you!


13.11.23 - Antibullying Week

Today, we met up alongside the friendly faces to discuss Antibullying week! We explored various ways that we can raise awareness for anti-bullying week and different activities we can do with our teachers in the classroom. As a group, we discussed how we can overcome bullying and who we can approach at breaktimes and lunchtimes to report any concerns.

In our meeting, we also received our personalised hoodies that we will wear at break times and lunch times. By wearing these hoodies, we hope that other children will feel comfortable to approach us with any questions or concerns that they have about the school or bullying.

9.10.23 - A warm welcome

Today, the new school councillors met up for the first time, alongside the new Friendly Faces!  We discussed why we think we are suitable for the role and the aims that we want to achieve by the end of the year. It was really enjoyable getting to know everyone a little bit more and great to hear the range of ideas, including how we can make sure children have friends to play with and new ideas for the school. 

We are really excited to get started next term with putting our ideas into action!


Today, we had Miss Ghazi attend our school council meeting! She wanted to talk to us about our opinions on the current school dinners. We have been asked to speak to our classes and ask them their thoughts about how we can possibly improve the school dinners. After that, Mr Pemberton gave us some time to think of ways we can celebrate the King’s coronation as a school. We create a list of lots of amazing ideas! We can’t wait share them with Mrs Shelton. We are hoping to help Mrs Shelton with planning our school celebration for the coronation in two weeks time! Exciting times! We will update you in two weeks! Don't worry, we will also be updating you all on our charity event! We are still planning the event with Mr Pemberton! Speak soon J


This morning, we had a school council meeting which focused on creating a range of games to play during lunchtime. The friendly faces came up with some good ideas! We are looking forward to start the games next week! The friendly faces will feedback during our next meeting. 


We also spoke about arranging charity events to raise money for those who are less fortunate. We have brain stormed lots of ideas about different charities we can support. Next week, we are planning to discuss with Mr Williams our ideas about organising a charity event at Medway. 


We can't wait to update you again soon!


Medway School Council Team & Friendly Faces! :)



Today, we had our school council meeting with the Friendly faces! We were all so excited to meet up and discuss our ideas with Mr Pemberton, We told him some interesting ideas about how we could possibly improve break and lunchtimes to make sure everyone has someone to play with. The friendly faces team are going to plan and arrange some games for people to take part in during lunchtime. We believe it is important that we all work together as a team and make sure everyone feels happy and loved at Medway! We do not want anyone to feel alone during break and lunchtime! The friendly faces will feedback their plan and ideas during our next meeting :)


Medway School Council Team :)



Today, we had our first school council meeting for 2023! We were excited to update Mr Pemberton and share our ideas with everyone! We all had some time to talk about our amazing curriculum and how we support children who sometimes find learning difficult. We have all been working collaboratively during lesson time to support each other. This has been working really well! Together we succeed at Medway!smiley. After that, we then explained to Mr Pemberton how the Friendly Faces are supporting people during break and lunch time. For example, they include everybody in games and they make sure every is feeling happy! We always look out for each other at Medway. We are all one big family! heart



Today, during our school council meeting we discussed our amazing curriculum and what we have learnt over the past few weeks. Also, Mr Williams mentioned that we can create some ideas about a ‘fun day’ for the end of the term. We spoke to our classes and discussed our ideas with Mr Pemberton. Furthermore, we designed our personalised hoodies for The School Council and Friendly Faces Team. Our next meeting will focus on discussing collaboration and oracy in the classroom! We look forward to speaking to you all soon! Take care J



Yesterday, we had our first school council meeting for the New Year. We were all so excited to meet up and discuss our ideas for this academic year. Mr Pemberton, went through our roles and responsibilities as a School Councillor. We told him some exciting ideas that we were keen to share with everyone in the meeting. Hopefully, in the next meeting we would like to arrange some time to meet with our Friendly faces to discuss some ideas about break and lunch time. See you in two weeks.


Medway School Council Team :)


25.05. 22

During today’s school council meeting, we have been discussing and thinking of different ways to celebrate Year 6 leaving in the summer term. Many of us, have thoughts of ideas such as creating goodie bags, leavers hoodies, end of year trips, personal Medway souvenirs or performances to celebrate the hard work for all of the Year 6 children! Over the next few days, we are going to share our ideas to Mr Williams and Miss Miah to see if they can help us with organising an amazing end of year treat for Year 6!



Today, we discussed many interesting things that are going extremely well for our school! We have noticed that our children’s reading and prosody has improved which is developing our writing in foundation subjects (Science, History, Art and many more!). Also, we have found out that SMSC has had a positive impact our amazing curriculum. For example, In Year 5 we looked at the idea of morality from a Christian perspective and we also included our own religious beliefs.

We have discussed about continuing to have playground leaders to supervise equipment during break and lunch time to ensure everyone has an opportunity to use the equipment. However, we have noticed that many children are playing with other children from different year groups which is having a positive impact on building different relationships with other year groups. Shows we are all being inclusive and respecting each other.




This afternoon we had our second school Council meeting of the term! It was so exciting to work with Mr Pemberton and Mr Watkins as we asked them last term to become equipment monitors to ensure everyone has an opportunity to have a go on the equipment during break and lunch time. They mentioned that everyone is able to have a go on the equipment! It was so nice to have the friendly faces to come and join us for our meeting today!


We are also thrilled to see the improvements with our learning in RE we have been studying interesting topics such as spirituality, morality and religious art.  The Year 5 and Year 6 classes have been looking at scriptures in the Quran and the Bible! We learn such interesting topics at Medway! :) 


Currently, we are organising more opportunities for different games and activities to take place during break and lunch time. We are planning to talk to Mrs Pemberton and Miss Sue about our ideas of the games we would like to include, once we have spoken to our class! Mr Pemberton and Mr Watkins are listening to our ideas and are allowing us to ensure everyone is feeling happy and included when they are outside on the playground. 


We really enjoyed our meeting afternoon! See you in two weeks!



We had a School Council Meeting with the friendly faces to discuss behaviour and relationships during break time. Mr Williams and Miss Miah came along as they were really interested to hear about the positive impact of the friendly faces during break and lunch time. It is clear to see having friendly faces makes everyone feel happy and included in activities   during break and lunch time. We also thanked Mr Williams for allowing us to order equipment for break time, as this allows us to stay active and socialise with other people. As a group, we decided that it may be useful for the friendly faces to become monitors during break time to make sure everyone has a chance to play on the equipment. We thought this would be a good idea to allow everybody to experience using this during play time.


We LOVE being children of Medway and we are all one BIG family! See you in two weeks! We cannot wait to share with you all our focus for next term! Keep a look out for the next blog post!


Medway School Council Team :)


Over the past few weeks, we have been discussing with Mr Pemberton and Mr Watkins to provide more equipment during break and lunch time. We were told today, Mr Williams has provided us with a budget to choose the equipment we would like to play with outside! We were so excited to hear the news! We also agreed that we would like to arrange equipment monitors for each year group to make sure everyone gets a chance to play with the equipment. Next week, we are going to speak to Mr Williams and get his thoughts about our ideas!


Mr Pemberton gave us some time to discuss what learning we have covered over the past few weeks! Many of us have been listening to famous composers during our music lessons such as William Byrd, Ludwig Van Beethoven and many more! We love our amazing curriculum and the subjects we get to learn! We love being children of Medway! 


We discussed the interior design competition, which many children across each year group have produced sketches, 3D projects and many more! They look incredible! We cannot wait to hear about the winner sometime next week! By the way, the deadline is on Monday 31st January! So make sure you enter!


See you in two weeks! 


Medway School Council Team! smiley




We had our first School Council meeting of the term! It was so exciting to work with Mr Pemberton and Mr Watkins to organise Friendly Faces. Our friendly faces will focus on anti-bullying related tasks and making sure everyone feels happy and safe within our amazing school. 


We are also thrilled to see the improvements with our art vocabulary looking at the depth of a piece of art and developing our vocabulary building to support us with our writing in English and Foundation Subjects. Many of us have been studying Claude Monet, William Turner and many more! We have noticed the benefits of how this supports our writing! Every Monday we are delighted to see which artist we are focusing on that week! .


Currently, we are organising an interior design competition for our School to design the school foyer. All of the School Councillors are feeling enthusiastic to plan and organise the competition! Hopefully, this will be sent out to all year groups in the next few weeks!


Mr Watkins came to discuss behaviour around the school it was really interesting to see how Mr Watkins has taken our ideas on board! We will continue to give him feedback of how things are going during lunch and break time.


See you soon!

Blog 16.12.21

Today, we had our school council meeting! It was so exciting because we finalised our inclusion policy ready to discuss and promote to our classes. 

Mr Pemberton mentioned that we are all going to have personalised Medway School Councillor hoodies to make sure all the children know who we are! We are so thrilled to receive the hoodies because we all agreed on a particular design and colour. 

Later on in the meeting, we discussed and reflected on anti-bullying week and how we promoted this across the school. We want to make sure everyone at Medway feels a sense of belonging and happiness. Mr Watkins came along to our meeting to discuss different ways we can support anti-bullying. We gave him lots of ideas and suggestions, which he was really impressed! Mr Watkins stated “I am really excited to be working with the Medway School Councillors this year to make sure our school environment is safe and welcoming for all”.  We really appreciate how Mr Pemberton and Mr Watkins provide us with opportunities for our voices to be heard. 

After the Christmas holidays, we all agreed to focus on our amazing curriculum and promoting anti-bullying at Medway. Mr Watkins and Mr Pemberton are really excited to be working with us all. See you in two weeks! :)

Blog 10.11.21

We had our first school council meeting for the new term! We asked Mr Williams if we could design our School Council hoodies! This was a really good idea because all of the children at Medway will know who we are around the school and if they have any questions or ideas about School Council or how we can continue to make Medway the best it can be! We all agreed to have blue hoodies with the Medway family logo on the back of the hoodie as well as 'School Councillor' at the bottom of the jumper, so children can come and talk to us during break and lunch times.


Mr Pemberton gave us some to discuss and  finalise our inclusion policy document, which focuses on how we can help children with Special Educational Needs or who may find with learning difficult. We have also used the suggestions from our class peers to create our inclusion document. We are glad all of the children at Medway have played a part in helping us develop this important policy. We are thrilled to share this document with our peers in our classes as it is really important we include everybody in our learning.


We also began to discuss our amazing curriculum and the subjects we cover across the school year. Many of the School Councillors explained how our curriculum is designed through cultural capital and the reasons why we study famous artists such as Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci and many more! We also mentioned the great literature we study such as the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Odyssey. This is really important to us because we enjoy learning new topics which some children our age may find difficult. As School Councillors, we also mentioned how the curriculum is designed to continuously progress our learning across each year group. We are so grateful to be children of Medway!


Thank you for reading our School Council blog! Speak with you soon!



Blog 11.10.21

We had our second meeting of the term today and we were all excited to share our ideas and feedback from the peers in our class of how to support children with special educational needs or who find learning difficult.


We discussed safeguarding which was an interesting conversation as we were able to discuss the type of books our teachers read to us during social story time to find out what difficulties some children may experience at home.


Today, we also discussed with Mr Pemberton and the rest of the school councillors about the feedback shared by our classmates from the first school council meeting. We are all excited to have a student voice to represent Medway to be the best it can be!


Our classmates were really interested in producing an inclusion policy to be included in all of the classrooms, which we talked about some of their ideas of what we would like to include such as helping children to form ideas, using equipment, partner work and support with writing. There were a lot of amazing ideas shared from all of the classes, which will help us with planning our policy over the next few weeks. We love being children of Medway and having a voice to share our ideas and improve the school to be the best it can be! J


Mr Pemberton has given us all some time to prepare our inclusion policy over the next few weeks which we will be thrilled to share this with all of the classes. We are all a Medway family, who support and care for each other’s learning and future.


We hope you enjoyed our school council blog. Speak with you soon! J



Blog 22.9.21

We had our first meeting of the year today and we were all so excited about the future of the school council.


Today, we discussed with Mr Pemberton (a great teacher!) the roles and responsibilities of what it meant to be a school council representative. Again we are all so excited about the prospect of being involved in the changes that will take place at our school. We love Medway!


We spoke about the purpose of education and how we learn in the classroom and we talked about how our curriculum keeps us all engaged. We are so good at oracy and collaboration that we have helped other schools and more recently we have introduced cultural capital. We love the cultural passports as it encourages us to do things with our parents. 


We then discussed the reasons why we study great literature such as Great Expectations and the Iliad. This is important to us because we really love learning about topics some schools perceive as too hard for primary school children. Our teachers plan and teach this so we understand it and we have learned so much. We even go on trips linked to our books to places like the British Museum in London. We know we are lucky to be at Medway! 


We had a really interesting conversation about safeguarding and why we have to keep ourselves safe. We have done a lot of work on this in computing (e-safety) and in classrooms. Our teachers read us stories that relate to safeguarding issues. We know this is important as it has opened our eyes to all the different things children might have to go through at home.


We talked about SEN and how our peers can support children in the classroom to ensure we are being inclusive to all. We then suggested ideas of how to monitor this such as creating a policy that children can use to find out strategies to help children who may experience difficulty in learning.  


We are looking forward to creating an inclusion policy to support others in the classroom. Hopefully, we will come back to the next meeting with lots of ideas from our peers about this.


Hope you have enjoyed reading our blog. Speak with you soon. heartsmileysmiley










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