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Medway Community

Primary School

Forest School

Forest School Information for Parents/carers.

What is Forest School?


Forest School means taking children to a local outdoor
space, or using space in their school or nursery, to let
children play, discover, and learn new skills outside.

Forest School helps children with their personal and
social skills, self confidence and self esteem, in a safe
setting, supervised by qualified leaders.

 Forest School takes place all year and in all weather
(apart from high winds). This gives children the chance
to experience the different seasons and weather

What Happens at Forest School?

This depends on how old the children are and what they are
interested in. Adults are there to guide and support the
children, but the children themselves decide a lot of what
happens during the session.


Sessions do follow a basic
• Hello song and talk about what we might do today
• Adult led activity. Children can choose whether to take
part or do something else they are more interested in.
• Time for children to choose what they would like to do
(e.g den building, making something or playing games)
• Story / snack time and talk about what we have done
today. Recording this with pictures and drawings.


What to Bring to Forest School.

Forest School sessions take place all year, so it is very
important that your child brings the right clothes and shoes.
This should include:
• long trousers and a long sleeved top,
• a waterproof jacket,
• Wellington boots or trainers
• a sun hat and sun cream in hot weather
• a drink of water.

Learning about fire at Forest School.

Here are some more pictures of the children enjoying forest school!

We've had 1 7 5 6 3 6 visitors