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Primary School

E Safety

E-safety Policy 2019-2020

Top Tips for Internet Safety

Live My Digital for students: Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is any form bullying that happens online. It can be something subtle, like being left out of a group chat to something more obviously nasty or threatening. It can also be very public and can happen at any place and at any time.

Live My Digital for students: Digital Footprint

A digital footprint is the trail of information we leave behind us when we do anything online - when we share, search, join groups or buy things. All of this information is stored somewhere - sometimes we know about it and sometimes we don't.

Live My Digital for students: Identity & Self-esteem

Most of us want to present ourselves in the best possible light online and with photo editing apps, we can tune our appearance any way we like. But if people like this stylised version of ourselves, how satisfying is that? What does it say about how we think about ourselves?

Live My Digital for students: Security & Privacy

We share so many aspects of our lives online - from where we go out, to what we eat, to where we go on holiday. This is great for keeping up to date with friends and family, but sometimes this information can be used against us in the form of hacks, phishing scams or viruses.

Live My Digital for students: Relationships & Grooming

Social media is such a powerful tool for connecting you to people you know and also for making new connections with people that you don't. Unfortunately, it can also be used by less honest people to construct fake profiles in order to scam others or build romantic relationships.

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Please note that after school clubs are up and running this week. Please pick your children up on time.