Welcome to Moonshine and Sunshine!
About F2
School hours
The gates open at 8.25am and close at 8.45am
School finishes at 2:55pm. Please collect your child promptly as they can become distressed if you are late.
Children must be collected from the classroom by an adult whose name has been recorded on the collection sheet.
Reading books
Book bags need to come to school every day, with your child's book and key words inside.
Miss Shelton Moonshine teacher - mshelton@medway.leicester.sch.uk
Mrs Raja Sunshine teacher - kraja@medway.leicester.sch.uk
We use Read Write Inc to teach Phonics.
For information for parents click on the link :https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/find-out-more/parents/
Educational Visits
Spinney Hill Park - with parents
New Walk Museum - with parents
Festival Lights in the city - with parents
Theatre trip
Stonehurst Farm
Owl Man
For parents to do at home!
The EasyPeasy app brings together the best ideas, advice, and inspiration from a global community of parents, experts, and your favourite early years brands. Our philosophy is evidence-based and simple. Early child development is fuelled by real-world interactions between you and your child. The EasyPeasy app is designed to help you create the playful, positive connections that will help your child grow and thrive, with everyday materials that you’ll already have access to at home.
Download the EasyPeasy app to your mobile, laptop, desktop or tablet . Just click on this link and follow the instructions https://www.easypeasyapp.com/