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Medway Community

Primary School

Eco Committee

The Eco Committee

Medway’s Eco Committee aims to empower the whole school community to be more conscious about the impact of their choices on the environment. Being an Eco Officer is a demanding role as pupils have to lead by example and ensure that they represent both their own and their peers' views.


Key priorities

  • Monitoring and minimising food waste
  • Reducing energy consumption by ensuring that lights are not used unnecessarily
  • Assessing and reducing presence of single use plastic items
  • Ensuring that all paper used in classrooms is recycled
  • Inspecting cleanliness in classrooms and shared areas
  • Communicating key priorities to staff and students


  • To evaluate the progress made against they key priorities, the Eco Committee will hold an EConference every fortnight.
  • If necessary, Eco Officers may be convened for additional EConferences.
  • To ensure there is sufficient time for deliberation, EConferences will be subject to a minimum duration of twenty minutes.
  • For decisions to be binding, there must be a simple majority vote and at least six members should be in attendance.



Any student can stand in the yearly Eco Committee election. Each class will elect two Eco Officers to represent their views. All candidates will stand independently and the two candidates with the highest vote share will be chosen to serve on the Eco Committee.
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