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Medway Community

Primary School

Adult and Family Learning

New Courses! 


Parenting in a pandemic .... everything feels a more more difficult now. There's lots of online but it's not the same as talking. 


If you are a parent or carer and live in Leicester City you can access our digital group sessions
with other parents.

Are you struggling to manage your children’s behaviour?

If so, and your children are aged 3-11 years old, this free online group can offer you the opportunity to…
Learn new parenting skills
Find solutions which work best for you.
Discover you are not the only one dealing with those problems.
Become more confident and less stressed.
With our combined knowledge we…
Make new friends- work together - share new ideas and experiences – have fun!


See the attached fliers or come and speak to our Community, Family and Welfare team to help get you signed up! 

In memory of Karen Scott who worked closly with Medway and sadly passed away last year.

Karen Scott, our Family Learning Tutor, won Adult Educator of the Year Award- 2015 award for being the best adult teacher in the UK! We were very proud of her and not at all surprised. Congratulations Karen, may your legacy live on!

Medway is proud to support the teaching and learning of adults in our community.


For additional information about any of these courses, please ask at reception. Our friendly office staff will be only too happy to help you. 


Family Learning


Family learning classes are ran throughout the year! Please see the calendar of Family Learning within the Supporting Our Families Page


English as a Second Language (ESOL) classes


A variety of ESOL classes are available to help broaden your understanding of English while having fun and making new friends. ESOL class enrolment will begin again in September 2016. For more details, please ask at reception.


Courses at Medway


  • ESOL Pre-entry and  Entry 1/2
  • Family Learning Parent Group
  • Parents Arts and Crafts
  • Reading with your Child
  • Early Start
  • First Aid
  • Family Fun with English
  • Healthy Eating
  • Getting Ready for School


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