Home Page

Medway Community

Primary School

Remote Learning

Please note that this page was created to support remote learning during the school closures in spring 2021.

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is a virtual learning environment used by our pupils. Your child already has a login and should be familiar with how the website works. We are using Purple Mash to set work that your child will need to complete by logging in and clicking '2DOs'. 

Additional Links to Support Weekly Learning

Please find below a copy of the online links that have been sent to you via email. These are additional links that will support and reinforce your child's understanding of the content taught online each week. 


Other Useful Websites

Please find below an additional list of websites that will support your child with their learning. 

Please visit our Y2 homework page for further information and resources that will support your child with their learning at home. Remember that their homework packs are very useful too, and we'll be referring to pages from these during our live lessons. 

We advise parents to supervise their children at all times when they are accessing online learning and to utilise parental controls to ensure that children remain safe online at all times.

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