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Medway Community

Primary School

Welcome to our Online payment method- SCOPAY

We are delighted to welcome you to the SCOPAY Online Payment system at our school from 1st September 2020. The system will allow you to view balances and pay for school lunches, milk, Breakfast Club and school trips online.  You will not need to send cash, cheques into school or pay by debit card.  You can pay online instead.

You can use the same online account to link yourself and any children you have at this school and to link children at other schools using the SCOPAY secure system. 


You will have received by email a Welcome letter giving you a link code to register an account with SCOPAY.  Please follow the instructions on the letter.  There are some Parental Guides to help you.


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Please note that after school clubs are up and running this week. Please pick your children up on time.