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Medway Community

Primary School

Summer Holiday Activities and Food Programme - for eligible FSM Children


Dear all 

The Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) will be available over the summer holidays for children eligible for benefits-related free school meals.  We are asking for your help to reach children who may benefit from this programme. 


Eligible children can access up to 4 weeks of free activities and they will also receive a healthy lunch each day that they attend.  


There are over 60 programmes taking place across the city for parents to choose from.  The dates, times and age suitability will differ by provider.  

Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis to children and young people who meet all of the following criteria:

  • live in Leicester City

  • are receiving benefits related free school meals

  • are in the age range for that programme

Please distribute the list of programme providers to parents/carers.  Parents/carers can also find details directly from

Do encourage parents and carers to book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. 

Registration will close on Sunday 29 June.


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