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Medway Community

Primary School

Lunchtime clubs starting this week (Monday 2nd March 2020)

From Monday 2nd March, lunchtime clubs will be starting for years 4, 5 and 6. We are excited to be offering the following clubs, on the following days:

Monday - Performing Arts Club (Miss Hartley)

Tuesday - Book Club (Mr Hill)

Wednesday - Origami / Mindfulness Club (Mrs Sattar)

Thursday - Choir (Miss Hartley and Miss Pierce)

Friday - Debate Club (Mr Watkins)


Sign up sheets went out before the half term, and chidren have been assigned places on a first come, first serve basis. If you have not been allocated a place this term, you will be on the waiting list!


Here is a photo of the children in Book Club today, reading 'A Christmas Carol'. We can't wait to hear their thoughts...



We've had 1 7 7 2 9 6 visitors
Please note that after school clubs are up and running this week. Please pick your children up on time.