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Medway Community

Primary School

Comic Relief - Red Nose Day Money Raised

Red Nose Day was massive success and we have raised over £1600. We are thrilled with the amount of money raised this year and even more so as we are aware that many of our own children and their families do not have much to spare.


Here's some of the things we did:  Selling red noses raised a lot of money and as there were 9 different ones to collect we think there was some swopping and buying extra going on amongst the children – but that means more money!  There was a Red Nose Joke book to buy, a Teddy Bears Picnic and a Stay and Play breakfast and on the Friday  Gunge bucket challenge and the Comedy Conga.


For non-school uniform we asked everyone to come in disguise and there were some fabulous costumes.  And I doubt that anyone went hungry as there was so much food and treats to buy from Caribbean food, samosas, ice cream, baked goods, home-made food provided by our parents group and children's parents too. There were lots of other events throughout the week including cake decorating, bookmark decorating and red nose painting, a sponsored skip, guess the sweets in the jar and many more.


We are so delighted with the response to this most worthwhile fundraising which helps children and families in this country and others around the world.  Medway pupils, the staff and parents have contributed so much this year and we thank you all.

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