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Medway Community

Primary School


This area is the place for you to keep up to date with all the latest news from Medway.

  • Harvest at Medway

    Wed 14 Oct 2015

    Today, Medway is celebrating Harvest Festival.

    Year 3 presented a fantastic assembly to the whole school, and their parents. This taught us all the meaning of Harvest and retold the story "Oliver's Vegetables". The assembly was wonderful, and clearly a result of lots of hard work from the Year 3 children and staff. Well done Year 3.


    Mrs Weathers talked to us about Open Hands, a local charity who provide a food bank for people in need in our local community. Each class has been collecting donations this week, and these were presented during the assembly. They will be collected by Open Hands tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who donated food this morning.


    After this, the whole school completed activities to teach us more about the Harvest festival around the world. Each year group studies a different topic. Year 6 are learning about the importance of Fair trade, while Foundation Stage explore how Harvest is celebrated and why.

  • Eden Project

    Tue 13 Oct 2015 Year 5

    Yesterday, the whole school was very excited. Some of the staff from the Eden Project in Cornwall had travelled to our school to show us some of the great work they are doing. In the morning, a fantastic assmebly taught us about the Eden porject, and it's role in protecting our environemnt.


    Following this, as part of the Eco-warriors topic, Year 3 took park in sessions to explore the environemtn further, and what we can do to help protect it.


    Year 5 also took part in sessions, which involved developing our collaboration to make shelters in the garden. We explorer the environment looking for suitable materials, aiming to take as little as possible and use the existing landscape to help us. Although some shelters were not storm proof, we learnt from our mistakes. Later, we made our own candles using only materials which have grown in the ground. Everyone was successful, and was able to light their candle.


    We all had a great day. Thank you to the Eden Project and Dunelm who provided us with such a great oppurtunity.

  • Cross Country

    Fri 09 Oct 2015

    On Friday, 28 children from across Key Stage 2 travelled to Knighton Park to take part in Leicester School’s Cross Country competition. They had to run an exhausting 2 miles around the entire park, against over 100 other pupils from different schools around Leicester.


    Although we didn’t win, many pupils from Medway came in the top 50, which is a great result for our school.


    Well done to everyone who took part. You were exceptional ambassadors for our school.

  • Democracy in Action

    Wed 07 Oct 2015

    This afternoon, across the school, School Council elections took place.


    Pupils were asked to create a manifesto and present this to their class, in whatever method they choose. Videos, drama and speeches were witnessed, all encompassing many of our school's key values; social responsibility, social exclusion and gender inequality. Finally, the voting took place. Each pupil chose two representatives from their class. When the votes were counted, new representatives were elected. The first meeting will be held tomorrow, where a chair person and secretary will be elected.

We've had 1 7 2 5 0 3 visitors
Dear parents, School is closed on Monday 6th May due to Bank Holiday. School will resume on Tuesday 7th May.