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Primary School


This area is the place for you to keep up to date with all the latest news from Medway.

  • Y6 Trip to the National Skills Show

    Fri 14 Nov 2014

                Year 6 visited the NEC in Birmingham, to attend the National Skills Show. The show exhibited a whole range of different stalls and activities, ranging from cookery to aeronautics and everything else in between. Through a range of hands-on activities, pupils had a chance to expand their skillsets, through wiring plugs, spray painting walls and walking through virtual reality worlds. The pupils (and staff!) really enjoyed the day, and it gave pupils a great opportunity to consider their future career paths. 

  • The Best Assembly Ever!

    Fri 14 Nov 2014 S Elton

    The REAL Pudsey came to see us on Thursday and  he brought with him a team from the BBC.  We had a fabulous time and you might see us on the TV tonight if we are really lucky (but we don't know when)!  The firemen came with their fire engine because they are real heroes!  There is also an article about us in tonight's (14th Nov) Leicester Mercury.  So far we have raised over £700 and there is more coming in all the time.  Keep Giving Money!

  • Remembrance Assembly and trip to the Leicester War Memorial

    Tue 11 Nov 2014

    Year 6 performed a very poignant assembly, marking the centennial of the end of World War One. The quality of the performance and the level of respect shown by the all pupils was outstanding, and it was a very fitting act of remembrance for those who have given their lives, and are still doing, for the protection of our rights.

    After the assembly, Years 5 and 6 walked to the war memorial in Victoria Park, to pay our collective respects. Wreathes of poppies, which the children had made, were laid, and some of our children performed fitting poems. It was an opportunity for all us to pay our respects to the fallen, as well as a chance to consider the role that diverse Leicester community played within war. 

  • WW1 and WW2 visitors

    Mon 10 Nov 2014
    Upper Key Stage 2 were joined today by two experts, who came in to discuss with the classes the harsh realities of war on the front line. Y6, through support from their 'Editor in Chief' John, were journalists on the front line at the Somme, exploring how a quiet region of France changed over the course of a day to become the sight of one of the most tragic battles in history. Through looking at a range of war memorabilia and photographs, Colin Hyde led Y5 on a exploration through life in Leicester during WW1. Both year groups got so much out of the day, and we would like to thank both Colin and John for their time and expertise. 
  • Pudsy News -Children in Need

    Mon 03 Nov 2014 Mrs Elton

    Medway Primary School pupils and parents are always the best at raising money for worthy causes. To celebrate this fact we entered this year’s “Children in Need Best Assembly Ever” Competition, and we are very pleased and excited to announce that we have won one of 8 very special assemblies, to take place on Thursday 13th November .


    The assembly will be attended by Pudsey bear himself, a compere and a DJ, which will all be filmed by the BBC, with the possibility of being shown on television during the Children in Need programme on the evening of Friday 14th November. This is a huge achievement for our school and an experience that our pupils will never forget.


    For this reason we will be holding our Children in Need Fundraising Day on Thursday 13th November, with the aim of raising as much money as possible through the events during the week.



    As the theme this year is Superheroes, we will be holding a Superhero fancy dress competition – with prizes for those judged to be the best. All children are asked to donate £1 for not wearing uniform.



    Everybody loves cakes and we would like to sell as many as possible over break-time. Please donate as many cakes as possible and bring them in to the class teacher on Wednesday 12th November. These can be homemade or shop bought.



    Over the next 2 weeks we will be selling raffle tickets every day for 10p each. The prize will be a Golden Ticket which will entitle the holder to a place on a very special outing. There will be 20 Golden Tickets up for grabs so the more tickets bought the better the chances of winning a special ticket!



    This year we are challenging our year 6 pupils to wash as many cars as possible in one day. These cars will be in the school car park. We ask that you help your child to raise as much sponsor money as possible as there will be a prize for the pupil that raises the most.



    During the day there will be face painting, an obstacle course to challenge themselves and a Penalty Shoot- out competition. All of which will cost 20p a go.



    All the children will be creating a Superhero mask. The best will be displayed in a special exhibition which we will be charging parents and visitors 20p to view.


    We will also be selling Children in Need wristbands at £1 each on the day. There will be a limited supply so it will be a case of first come, first served!



    There will also be additional activities during the day which the children will not be charged for, but will create many happy memories.


    Rainbows and Foundation Stage – PUDSEY BEAR TREASURE HUNT

    Can they find Pudsey in the school grounds by following the clues?



    Classes will choose their best teams to compete against each other, with prizes for the winning team.



    Classes will select their best rope pullers to compete against each other, with a prize for the winning team.



We've had 1 7 2 5 0 3 visitors
Dear parents, School is closed on Monday 6th May due to Bank Holiday. School will resume on Tuesday 7th May.