Pupil Premium Information
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is government funding, which is allocated to schools in England to raise the educational attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to help them reach their potential. It is also provides support for children and young people whose parents or guardians are in the armed forces.
Currently, funding is allocated to each school according to the number of pupils that:
- are currently entitled to free school meals (FSM);
- have received FSM at any point within the last six years (Ever 6 FSM);
- are currently, or have previously been, in the care of the local authority;
- are a child in a 'Services Family'.
How do I apply?
If you think that your child may be eligible for pupil premium funding, please speak with a member of the office staff or the Community and Family Welfare Team. They will provide you with further support and information. Alternatively, you can apply for free school meals by:
- telephone - call Leicester City Council on 0116 4541009 (option 3)
- online- visit the website below
- email education-fsm@leicester.gov.uk
Pupil Premium at Medway Community Primary School
2024 - 2025
Mrs Elton is the pupil premium lead for this academic year.
Medway Primary School has received £162,800 in Pupil Premium funding for the academic year 2024 - 25.
The following document provides a breakdown of how we intend to use this funding to diminish the difference between disadvantaged children and their peers at Medway during this year.
This document also includes: our statement of intent; a breakdown of the challenges faced by disadvantaged children in our school; our three-year Pupil Premium Strategy to support children in overcoming these challenges; and a review of the impact that Pupil Premium funding had on disadvantaged children at Granby in the previous academic year